Transforming Communities
One Life at a Time

Program Beneficiaries


People living with HIV/AIDS




Orphans & Vulnerable Children


School Drop Outs





Our Vision

To enrich the lives of orphans and vulnerable children, girls,women and widows in rural Malawi by providing discipleship training, mentorship, medical care, educational development,nutritional assistance, and agricultural training for the realization of self-dignity.

Our Mission

Work holistically in the improvement of quality of life through interventions that reduce vulnerability in children, women, and the youth by promoting transformational development


Feeding and Education

Feeding orphans and vulnerable children. We are currently feeding over 4000 orphans and vulnerable children

Women &Widow Empowerment

Teaching them marketable  skills for economic development 

Girls Empowerment

Teaching them life marketable skills for economic development 

water sanitation.

Water and sanitation Programs

We focus on several issues: safe and clean water, basic health hygiene 

Leader capacity building picture, leaders gathered and forming a circle of unity , while learning skills

Leaders Capacity Building

Training traditional leaders in servant leadership and also training local church leaders 

⁠Youth Development and discipleship

We focus on education, skills development and mentorship 

Income Generation

Teaching vulnerable groups how they can run small businesses for their economic survival, village banking, and micro financing 

Community Gender Based Violence

We focus on addressing gender-based violence through prevention, support, and community empowerment, ensuring safety and dignity for all.

Health Care

Providing basic healthcare to vulnerable communities, community members have access to proper medical services with dignity

Children Village

This is our ultimate vision: housing 120 orphans in this village. Currently, we have managed to construct 5 homes of the 12 needed. This will be a haven, a place of Hope where all orphans will be taught, discipled, and mentored to become what God desires them to be


Come Serve with Abundant Life Center in Malawi! Doctors, teachers, Tailors, Carpenters, painters, gardeners, musicians, sporty types, Youth, Pastors, builders, and anyone – all are welcome and will be put to good use. Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities in Transforming Communities One Life at a Time in Malawi, Africa.


Help change and transform a live by giving and sponsoring a child on a
monthly basis with child sponsorship of food, material packs, school
fees and school supplies.


One Child One Blanket Campaign:

Keep a child warm, donate a blanket.


One Child One Mosquito Net:

Let’s together fight malaria. Donate a mosquito net.


Christmas Meal
Help give one child a delicious meal for Christmas as most of these children do not celebrate Christmas:


Bible For All
Most people do not own a Bible and cannot to purchase one, help equip everyone in the community with a Bible

a child from abundant life center Malawi smiling